What is the Gospel?
It’s bigger than you think. The Gospel isn’t merely a message that Jesus died for your sins so you can go to heaven. Indeed, that’s part of it, but the Gospel encompasses the entire biblical narrative from creation to consummation. The Gospel proper is that Jesus is King. From this foundational truth flow various Gospel effects that shape how we understand salvation, transformation, and our place in God's Kingdom.
When we speak of “Gospel,” we’re using a churchy word that comes from the Old English godspel, literally meaning “good story” or “God story.” It’s also translated from the Greek word euangelion, meaning “good news.” You can see the word angel in euangelion, as angel means messenger. The biblical authors use this term to declare the victory accomplished by Jesus Christ. Since a gospel is fundamentally a story or message of what has been done, we should understand the Gospel in the scriptures as the story or message of Jesus’s works.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ centers on His kingship. Jesus is the King who infiltrates the Kingdom of this world to bring about the fullness of God’s Kingdom. He is both the divine Son of God and the human Son of Man. When Jesus claimed to be the Son of Man, He was invoking Daniel’s prophecy of one who would receive everlasting dominion. The Jewish religious leaders understood this claim–they saw Him as a blasphemer not because his followers called him the Son of God but because he referred to himself as the Son of Man, embodying the authority described in Daniel’s prophecy.
What are the Gospels?
The four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–are accounts of Jesus’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension. We call these accounts ‘The Gospels” for good reason. The Gospel of Matthew is the message about Jesus’s life from Matthew’s recollection. Mark writes from his perspective, likely as he heard it from Peter. Luke provides his account, and John gives his unique testimony. They are Gospel stories focused on the actual events of Jesus’s life and teaching. Only John, who wrote far later than the others, spends significant time on theological analysis of the events.
The Gospels are the historical accounts of Jesus’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension, while the Gospel is the broader theological reality and good news that Jesus is King. The Gospel accounts provide the foundational narrative through which we understand the Gospel’s transformative effects. While the four Gospels focus primarily on recording the events of Jesus's earthly ministry with relatively little theological analysis (except for John, who wrote later), they serve to establish the historical basis for the Gospel proper–that Jesus is the divine and human King who defeats sin and death, gathers his people, and establishes his eternal Kingdom. In other words, the Gospels tell the story that makes the Gospel good news. Every miracle, teaching, and event recorded in the Gospel accounts demonstrates Jesus’s authority and advances the central message that he is Lord of heaven and earth.
At its heart, the Gospel reveals that Jesus shares the divine identity, attributes, and titles of the God of the Old Testament. He is worshiped, acts with divine authority, and is honored with the same names and titles as Yahweh. Yet, in Trinitarian theology, Jesus is distinct from the Father but shares fully in the divine essence as the second person of the Trinity, truly God in every sense. The convergence of biblical evidence creates a compelling case for Jesus as the pre-existent and incarnate Yahweh.
How to explain the Gospel
I’m skeptical of common evangelistic methods that rely on pressure, manipulation, or fearmongering. Many churches introduce “decision cards” or ask people to pray to “accept Jesus into their hearts”–practices foreign to historic Christianity. Instead, we should share what Jesus has done, allowing the Holy Spirit to work regeneration in His timing. If someone asks, What must I do to become a Christian? then we can tell them: Submit to Christ as King. Repent of your sins, obeying Jesus. Join the Church and be baptized.
The Gospel calls for childlike faith–receiving the Kingdom of God like a little child. This doesn't mean blind acceptance but rather the kind of trust that recognizes the natural order of things. When children see a dragon, they intuitively know there must be a hero to slay it (Chesterton, paraphrased). In the same way, when we see the darkness and chaos in our world, we know there must be a greater light. We know there must be a savior because there are dragons in the world. When we speak of Christ’s salvific work, his children will believe in his name.
What is the Gospel, then?
In its simplest form, the Gospel message encompasses these key events:
Jesus created all things for himself
Humankind rebelled against God and was cast out of his presence
Jesus left his throne in heaven and became human through the virgin birth
Jesus proved to be the rightful King through his sinless life
Jesus was baptized, cleansed the temple, and appeared in glory (Transfiguration)
Jesus was crucified because his people rejected his Kingship
Jesus died, was buried, and descended to Hades
Jesus rose from the dead and raised the saints
Jesus appeared to many witnesses in his resurrected body
Jesus ascended to heaven and sat at the Father's right hand
Jesus received authority over all things in heaven and earth
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to his Church
Jesus will return just as he ascended
Jesus will resurrect the dead and judge all people
The righteous will enter his eternal Kingdom
If the Gospel is the story, then the Gospel message has key effects that extend from Christ’s Kingship.
First is Gospel Victory–Jesus has conquered sin, death, and the powers of darkness. Through his death and resurrection, he has defeated the devil and his angels, though they continue to wage war until his return.
Second is Gospel Family–we are adopted as sons and daughters of God through Christ. The Church becomes the bride of Christ, producing children for the Kingdom through evangelism and discipleship. We experience true community and belonging as members of God’s household.
Third is Gospel Restitution–Jesus’s death provides the legal basis for our forgiveness. As our substitute, he pays the penalty for our rebellion against God’s Kingdom. His blood cleanses us from sin and restores us to right relationship with the Father.
Fourth is Gospel Repentance–Jesus not only forgives our sins but delivers us from sinful patterns. He sends our sins away to their source, enabling us to walk in the newness of life. Repentance demonstrates our allegiance to Christ as King.
Fifth is Gospel Transformation–we are progressively conformed to Christ’s image through the Spirit’s work. We participate in the divine nature, becoming who we were meant to be as image-bearers of God. This transformation culminates in our glorification when Christ returns.
Receiving the Gospel
The Gospel is simple enough for a child to receive yet profound enough that we’ll spend eternity plumbing its depths. While we should be able to articulate the basic message clearly, we must never reduce it to a formulaic presentation or emotional manipulation. The Gospel is the story of King Jesus–his person, work, and Kingdom. It demands our allegiance, transforms our identity, and gives us eternal hope.
This comprehensive Gospel creates lasting Kingdom impact in several ways.
First, it addresses the whole person - not just our guilt before God but our alienation, bondage, and brokenness. Jesus comes as the perfect King who establishes justice brings peace, and makes all things new.
Second, it provides a framework for authentic discipleship. Rather than merely seeking decisions for Christ, we can invite people into a transformative relationship with the King. This produces genuine life change as people learn to live as citizens of His Kingdom.
Third, it counters both legalism and license. We're not saved by our own righteousness but by submitting to Christ's Kingship. Yet this same King gives us His Spirit and calls us to reflect His character. We pursue holiness not to earn salvation but because we've been brought into His Kingdom.
Fourth, it motivates mission. When we grasp that Jesus is King over all, we're compelled to declare His reign and demonstrate His rule. Every aspect of life becomes an opportunity to extend His Kingdom through word and deed.
Finally, it sustains hope. In a world of darkness and chaos, we know the true King has come and will come again. His Kingdom is already breaking in, and one day, it will fill the earth. This gives us the courage to persevere in faith and good works.
The Gospel is indeed bigger than we think. It’s the story of King Jesus, who has come to rescue, redeem, and restore all things for God’s glory and our good. We proclaim this full Gospel, inviting people to submit to Christ’s Kingship and experience the transforming power of His reign. As we do, we’ll see lasting impact as individuals and communities are shaped by the reality of Jesus’s Lordship.
Some will ridicule the message when we share what’s been entrusted to us. Others will want to hear more. Some will believe and submit to Jesus as King (cf. Mars Hill, Acts 17:22-31). We can trust God’s sovereignty in this process, faithfully declaring the Gospel while relying on His Spirit to bring conviction and regeneration. The Gospel has always advanced through the simple yet profound declaration that Jesus is King.
The church must, therefore, not settle for a reduced Gospel that merely offers forgiveness without transformation. The true Gospel presents Jesus as the divine-human King who defeats all his enemies, gathers his people, cleanses them from sin, empowers them for righteousness, and brings them into his eternal Kingdom. This is the Gospel that changed the ancient world and continues to transform lives today. May we be faithful in proclaiming and living out this glorious good news.