The Gospel is Bigger Than You Think
Why A Comprehensive Gospel Creates Lasting Kingdom Impact
by Anthony Delgado
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You may have noticed baptisms are down, church doors are closing, and once-faithful Christians are walking away from their faith. It’s a problem that has baffled many for quite a few years. For some, the answer is to focus on discipleship and Christian education (more Bible teaching). Others have developed programs to help the Gospel “stick.” But the problem is more fundamental. It lies in the Gospel proclamation itself. The solution is not, per se, a new or different Gospel but a bigger, historical, and more comprehensive Gospel. The Gospel is Bigger than You Think is a comprehensive approach to the biblical Gospel to create a lasting Kingdom impact in the heart of the reader and equip the reader with a broader Gospel scope. The book is worshipful, a joyful journey through scripture, celebrating Christ’s work. It is educational, connecting biblical storylines and theological ideas across the Testaments. Further, it seeks to equip the reader with guidance and reflection to have better Gospel conversations for the glory of God and the expansion of Christ’s Kingdom.
Table of Contents
1) The Gospel We Preach
2) What the Gospel Does
3) The Gospel of the Kingdom (The Gospel Proper)
4) Gospel Victory
5) Gospel Family
6) Gospel Restitution
7) Gospel Repentance
8) Gospel Transformation
9) Gospel Simplicity
Epilogue: Sharing the Gospel
Full Cover - The Gospel is Bigger Than You Think