Gospel Meaning and Definition
The definition and meaning of the Gospel are examined through the perspectives of the Apostle Paul, Jesus himself, and contemporary theological understanding. While Paul emphasizes Christ's death, resurrection, and lordship, and Jesus focused on announcing God's Kingdom, the full Gospel encompasses both perspectives; it is fundamentally the good news that Jesus is King, bringing God's rule to earth through his incarnation, death, resurrection, and eventual return. The Gospel extends beyond mere historical events to represent God's comprehensive plan to restore all creation through Christ, offering hope of redemption, adoption into God's family, and the promise of cosmic renewal when Christ returns to fully establish his Kingdom.

What is the Gospel?
It’s bigger than you think. The Gospel isn’t merely a message that Jesus died for your sins so you can go to heaven. Indeed, that’s part of it, but the Gospel encompasses the entire biblical narrative from creation to consummation. The Gospel proper is that Jesus is King. From this foundational truth flow various Gospel effects that shape how we understand salvation, transformation, and our place in God's Kingdom.