Gospel Meaning and Definition
The definition and meaning of the Gospel are examined through the perspectives of the Apostle Paul, Jesus himself, and contemporary theological understanding. While Paul emphasizes Christ's death, resurrection, and lordship, and Jesus focused on announcing God's Kingdom, the full Gospel encompasses both perspectives; it is fundamentally the good news that Jesus is King, bringing God's rule to earth through his incarnation, death, resurrection, and eventual return. The Gospel extends beyond mere historical events to represent God's comprehensive plan to restore all creation through Christ, offering hope of redemption, adoption into God's family, and the promise of cosmic renewal when Christ returns to fully establish his Kingdom.
Define Gospel/Gospel Definition
How does Paul define the Gospel? (The Apostle Paul)
The Apostle Paul presents the Gospel primarily as a message about Jesus Christ’s death, resurrection, and kingship. In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Paul outlines what may be considered ‘most important,’ that Christ died for sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again on the third day. However, Paul's understanding goes beyond just these events. Throughout his letters, he emphasizes that Jesus is the divine King who has been given all authority in heaven and earth. For Paul, the Gospel includes Christ’s victory over spiritual powers, his role in establishing God's Kingdom, and his position as Lord over all creation.
How did Jesus define the Gospel?
Jesus proclaimed the Gospel primarily as an announcement about the Kingdom of God. Throughout the Gospels, he declares, “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17) and teaches extensively about God's Kingdom through parables and demonstrations of power. Jesus presents himself as the divine King who has come to establish God’s reign on earth, defeat evil powers, and gather people into his Kingdom. His Gospel message centers on the reality that God’s rule was breaking into the world through his own presence and ministry.
How would you define the gospel? (Anthony Delgado)
To me, the Gospel is more than people commonly understand. As Paul writes, we recieve grace, “making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth” (Ephesians 1:9-10). Each theological tradition focuses on some elements of the greater Gospel to the detriment of others. At its core, it’s the message that Jesus is King–the divine and human ruler who has come to establish God’s Kingdom. This includes his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, ascension to heaven’s throne, and future return. The Gospel encompasses multiple effects or “spokes” that extend from this central hub of Christ's kingship: victory over evil powers, adoption into God’s family, atonement for sins, transformation of believers, and the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom. While simple enough for a child to grasp in its basic form, the Gospel contains depths that reveal more of Christ’s work as one studies Scripture.
Gospel Meaning
What does the word gospel mean?
The word “gospel” comes from the Greek word euangelion, which literally means “good news” or “good message.” In ancient contexts, this term was often used to announce military victories or significant events related to the emperor. In the biblical context, it refers specifically to the good news about Jesus Christ and his Kingdom. The word connects to the concept of a messenger (angel) bringing important news from God. Luther notes that “this gospel of God or New Testament is a good story and report, sounded forth into all the world by the apostles, telling of a true David who strove with sin, death, and the devil, and overcame them, and thereby rescued all those who were captive in sin, afflicted with death, and overpowered by the devil” (Luther, Martin Luther’s Basic Theological Writings, 2012, 94).
What does gospell mean?
Gospell is the Old English form of the word, combining “god” (good) and “spell” (news/story/message) (see also, Godspell). The etymology reveals that the fundamental meaning of gospel has always been about communicating a positive message or beneficial story. In Old English usage, it specifically referred to the story of Jesus Christ and the message of salvation therein. Many “ think of Christianity as good advice instead of good news. One of the biggest obstacles to grasping Christianity as good news is bad philosophy” (Jahosky, The Good News of the Return of the King, 2020). To be Gospell or Godspell means understanding the theological truths of Jesus Christ and the eternal Kingdom of God within the narrative framework of the biblical story, not merely seeing the biblical storyline for its ethical content or good advice.
What is the Gospel’s meaning?
The Gospel's meaning extends beyond just information about historical events; it represents God’s decisive action to restore his Kingdom through Jesus Christ. As the Apostle Paul declares, “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross" (Colossians 1:19-20). This carries profound implications for human identity, purpose, and destiny. The Gospel means that God has not abandoned his creation but has acted through Christ to defeat evil, forgive sins, adopt believers as his children, and establish his eternal Kingdom.
What does the gospel of Jesus Christ mean for the world?
For the world, the Gospel of Jesus Christ means that the true King has come and is actively working to restore all things under his rule. As the Apostle John saw, "And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' Also he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true'" (Revelation 21:5). The Gospel offers hope of redemption from sin, freedom from spiritual bondage, adoption into God’s family, and the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom. The Gospel means that through Christ, people from every nation can become citizens of God’s Kingdom and participate in his work of renewal. It provides both individual salvation and the promise of cosmic restoration when Christ returns to fully establish his Kingdom.