The Gospel is Bigger Than You Think

by Anthony Delgado

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The Gospel is Bigger than You Think is a comprehensive study of Jesus and the biblical authors’ teachings on redemption. Too often, evangelical Christianity reduces the Gospel to “Jesus died for your sins.” But God’s work is far more than forgiveness. It is a radical reversal of everything sin destroys. The hub of the Gospel is the Kingship. This central Gospel image extends to all other Gospel images. The Gospel is Bigger than You Think will outline each primary Gospel image and further analyze them in light of historical atonement theories. This work is framed in the Divine Council Worldview, Covenant Theology, and Two Kingdoms Theology.

Table of Contents

Introduction: What the Gospel Does

The Gospel of the Kingdom (The Gospel Proper) 

The Victorious King (Christus Victor) 

The Familial Gospel (Sonship and the Bride of Christ) 

The Legal Gospel (Justification) 

Repentance and the Gospel (Sanctification) 

Transformation and the Gospel (Glorification and Theosis)  

Conclusion: The Simplicity of the Gospel

